Mojave Spirit vertically integrates organic plant production with intensive freshwater aquaculture production. Our sustainable, renewable cultivation models uniquely and strategically combine all forms of natural aquaculture and permaculture production methods; we think of our production methods as “Permaponics”. Mother Nature has always known the best ways for us to grow all of the foods and medicines that we will ever need. Happily, we diligently work every day to apply what She offers us.
Let us tell you how we grow
your plants.
Aquaponics is a long-standing farming practice that integrates fish production with
plant production. The fish waste provides all of the necessary nutrients for plant production, while the plants help rid the water of fish waste, specifically ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
Permaculture is a farming practice that marries all of Mother Nature’s creatures into a circle of life, growth and sustainability. For example, the plants nourish the animals, while the waste from
the animals is used to either grow algae for the fish, or is composted and turned into nutrients for the plants, or it is turned into the methane gas that is used to run the generator that provides
the electricity for the water pumps that aerates the water for the fish.
Summarily, our cultivation practices are off-grid (solar, wind, thermal mass, methane digesters, micro-hydro generators, hydraulic ram pumps, and more) sustainable, all natural, and ALL organic. It is our choice and our pleasure to work diligently every moment to follow the lessons of our loving Mother Nature.
Regarding our cultivation practices, we are asked this question all the time…
“Do you talk to your plants”?
Well, simply put…you bet!!
We LOVE and respect our plants; they are our friends! We talk to our plants, we sing to
our plants (not sure if we can carry a tune though!), pray for our plants and most importantly, we thank God for the gifts that he gives us.
We believe that all life is connected, and because we are all connected, the plant understands its role and will respond to our requests for good medicine.
The best science supports this position,
and Mojave Spirit is participating in clinical trials
that test this theory.
Stay tuned and we will let you know the outcomes…