Dr. Sanjay Gupta: It's time for a medical marijuana revolution
April 16, 2015
April 17, 2015
Dear Friends,
I wanted to share the attached article from Israel. This country is decades ahead of the US regarding cannabinoid research and clinical use.
This article was published February 2015. Summarily, regarding CBD (cannabidiol), this article clearly states that a whole natural plant delivers a better and safer clinical response than a laboratory synthesized CBD molecule. This article demonstrates that the dose-response is safer and superior in a natural whole plant extract versus a laboratory synthesize pure CBD molecule. Per this journal article, the whole natural plant dose is safer, is more clinically effective, lasts longer, and is more clinically predictable than the synthesized CBD molecule. This article focuses on inflammation, which is significant to children with catastrophic seizures. Summarily, the children are chronically inflamed throughout their central nervous system, an whole natural plant extracted CBD turns off that brain inflammation better than synthetic versions of CBD.
This article is also germane to the Senate Ag hearing regarding HB 1181. The House version of HB 1181 supports a whole natural plant CBD extraction of industrial hemp. Sadly, that option was terminated by the Senate Ag Committee. Per the Senate Ag Hearing on HB 1181, the parents of children with catastrophic seizures are now forced to give their children a laboratory synthesized version of CBD (Epidolex from GW Pharmaceuticals) that is not only less effective, requires a larger dose, and is not nearly as safe as a natural whole plant CBD extraction of Industrial Hemp. EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT CURRENT SCIENCE SAYS WHAT WE SHOULD DO! By the way, didn’t the Senate Ag Committee pass a Resolution to proceed in the sector of Industrial Hemp and natural plant medicines ONLY IN GOOD SCIENCE at the same time they killed HB 1181?
Let’s hope the leadership of the Senate Ag Committee and the entire Legislative body immediately follows their own “Good Science Resolution” and begins reading, understanding and objectively following “good science” when dictating the lives and outcomes of Hoosier families and their children. Conference Committee hearing are upcoming. The Leadership owes parents the right to care for their children in the most effective ways. I am sure they would do the same thing for their own children.
Respectfully yours,
Trent Jones, DC